Isabella Soteldo
Final: Discuss past and present of food. Predict future of food. Reference class notes.
Food is one of the most essential needs humans need to survive. As long as people, animals or plants that need it exist, food is always going to be there. From cave men hunting gathered, to natives hunting gathering as well, to the machines that the industrial food system works with, humans have always tried to get food for survival, or in our case now, just for money or obesity.
The men or women that we know were the first at “collecting” food were cave men by hunting their prey, then as humans developed we have improved our ways on hunting or gathering food in a way that allows us to get more food in a faster way, not minding the consequences. Of course as our technology advances the way we gather food gets even more productive; faster, uses more and more oil. Even though, oil is useful and it is helpful to make food, it does help us in a big way. But when did consuming oil become such a big deal, and when did it become a “crisis” that people talk about? It all started in the Green Revolution.
The Green Revolution is a term used to describe the transformation of agriculture in many developing nations that led to significant increases in agricultural production between the 1940s and 1960s. The Green Revolution introduced many new aspects to industrial agriculture such as : pesticides, irrigation projects, and synthetic nitrogen fertilizer which are used now a day and are also used with the help of oil.In fact, an article by Danielle Murray “Oil and Food” states “ World fertilizer use has increased dramatically since the 1950’s. China is now the top consumer with use rising beyond 40 million tons in 2004”. With the Green Revolution every statistic went up, including the one that says when we will run out of oil. Since then, oil has been a major need in the Industrial Food System.
Every time we eat we are eating oil. According to Danielle Murray the following is the percent of oil used in food production, 21 percent of overal food system energy is used in agricultural production, another 14 goes to food transport, 16 percent to processing, 7 percent to packaging, 4 percent to food retailing, 7 percents to restaurants and caterers, and 32 percent to home refrigeration and preparation.
Right now specially in the United States people are suffering from obesity because of food and how we eat, Michael Pollan said “You are what you grow” and I think that that best describes the relationship our society has right now with food. In Michael Pollan’s article “The way we live now” he states that the most reliable predictor of obesity in the United States today is a person’s wealth. For example there was an experiment conducted by Drewnowski; a researcher in Washington University, that if you go to a supermarket with a dollar, you can buy 1,200 calories of cookies or potato chips, but only 250 calories of carrots.
In the present food has helped and killed our society in many ways, it has always been there ever since the beginning, the only thing that has changed about it is how we grow it, make it, trnsport it and cook it. Also, since there have been many “useless” foods created, such as gummy bears, cookies or any others that are harmful to our health and does not provide us with anything else but pleasure and gluttony.
The way I think food is going to be in our fututre is in either one way or another. The first way, is that people will become aware of how the industrial food system and how people are consuming food affects our environment and that this way of living might not be sustainalbe for our future, in fact there might not even be one. The second way is since a lot of humans specially in this society are very ignorant of what is going on around them and are unaware of anything that is is going on, even though some might be aware but not really care, their ignorance will drive them to a point where is too late to make any changes and when they can not really do anything much about the problem. At that point I feel like the only way to survive is to open their minds and think, but if not there really isn’t another alterantive. Food will end, because humans will end.
In conclusion, Food has always been there ever since the beginning of time, it is still here and hopefully it will be here in the future. The way it has been made, transported and consumed has changed a lot, it has also affected our environment in many ways, and if we really want our food to always be here, there has to be a change about how our society and the Industrial food system does things.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Response to article Oil and Food: A Rising Security by:Danielle Murray
Oil is a huge part in our lives, specially when it comes to food. When we eat, we are literally eating oil. every time population increases the size of the farms warehouses where they make food increases as well, so does the machinery and the amount of oil that is used to make and transport these food.
Three fourths of what we eat is processed food which means it is food that has been grown, harvested, transported and cooked with oil. Instead of eating so much of that we shold start ating more legumes and garins that take less oil to grow and transport. Even packaging the food takes up oil and this is destroying our environment every day.
A way to save more oil is by buying food from the farmer's market which is much better because they don't take as much oil to make food ad other companies. Even though they are only .3 percent of food sales we need to go there more if we want to have a good future with no food scarcity and take more care of where we buy our food.
Three fourths of what we eat is processed food which means it is food that has been grown, harvested, transported and cooked with oil. Instead of eating so much of that we shold start ating more legumes and garins that take less oil to grow and transport. Even packaging the food takes up oil and this is destroying our environment every day.
A way to save more oil is by buying food from the farmer's market which is much better because they don't take as much oil to make food ad other companies. Even though they are only .3 percent of food sales we need to go there more if we want to have a good future with no food scarcity and take more care of where we buy our food.
response to
In this website it basically explain what is, what it means to us, and that we are not going to be able to use it soon. This worries me, because even though we are learning what to do and how to prevent ourselves from something bad happening to us due to scarsity of oil, other people in the world do not know and will not be ready when the time comes. There should be more people that go out there in the real world and try to inform people about it, because "knowing is power", and we need to learn how to survive, or how to not waste oil in stupidity.
Friday, March 30, 2007
This is a good start for you paper, because you are descrining how you see the ifs but you should explain more and how it affects others. Good Job!
cOMMENT ON Elliot's page
YOOO CHIKO! i agree with stanley this is a great first draft but i think that you should talk more about how does the ifs affect the u.s, also what can people do to change it? but i think so far you are doing a good job. KEEP IT UP!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Final draft More about the IFS
Isabella Soteldo
More about the Industrial Food System
What exactly is the industrial food system? Many people describe it as “The Machine” I think of it as part of the machine, for me the machine is the world we live in which is made up of different components that make it the way it is. One component is the Industrial food system (IFS). The IFS believe it or not affects every living thing on planet Earth, it controls what we eat, if our bodies get sick, or even if we live or die.
Body 1
The IFS is the system that distributes food all over the United States. They kill, make and distribute our food. The way it works is by hiring hundreds of illegal immigrants which get paid less than minimum wage with no insurance or any health help and make them work by killing cows and other animals we consume. The problem is not that they kill cows or chicken or even fish, the problem is the way they do it. According to the book Fast Food Nation, one in every four hamburgers contains cow shit. Most of the food made in these factories is distributed to fast food restaurants like Mc Donald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger king. The reason why there is cow shit in our hamburgers is because when the illegal immigrants come and work at these factories, they are not trained to kill the cow, so they don’t know where to cut what so they make mistakes. Which makes the cow shit get into the meat.
Body 2
The IFS is the primary source of U.S nutrition, because since they distribute their products to one of the most important and known fast food chains in the world, people eat it all the time. Also, eating fast food or eating in fast food restaurants is a part of most American’s lives. There are various problems with the IFS, besides the fact that the meat is “shitty” because the speed of the workers line is too fast and the pay is too little, they also inject hormones to the animals and treat them very badly as well. Even though I do eat meat I think that the animals deserve a better life and shouldn’t be tortured.
Body 3
On the contraire, I believe that there is a part of the IFS that is more “normal”. Since people in the United States do eat meat, u can’t force them to never eat meat again so these animals won’t be tortured. There are also farms and factories where animals are “free range” and are allowed to have a happy life, they aren’t tortured or injected with hormones, but since there is something called the food chain people have to eat meat too (if they choose to) and the only way to eat it is killing cows, fish and chicken. I feel like we are exactly like animals just a little more sophisticated, because we don’t attack our prey by jumping on them and biting the raw meat with our bare mouths. It is part of life, but if the animals and workers are treated like they are treated in the movies that we saw in class, then that does make us savages. Instead of trying to increase the rate at which the people are working in this factories, they should decrease it and also increase the quality of the meat, maybe that way fast food chains will not buy meat and run out of business which is actually a big advantage for every one.
Body 4
Sometimes, people are aware that the food that they are eating is probably not the best for them, but it also has to do with how good of a meat can they afford? I think that in some cases the richer you are the better your health is which is a very big minus since more than half of the population is not rich and for some it is very hard to buy organic or free range food that is much healthier for you than a BIG MAC or 99 cents for four chicken Mcnuggets. Sometimes you can’t just ban the IFS from making shitty hamburgers for a good price unless you have a plan with what you will replace these shitty cheap hamburgers with that will be economic for the middle to lower class customers.
Body 5
This system tells us a lot about our culture, the number one thing that it tells us is that we are ignorant about the things that happen around us, because if more people knew that our hamburgers were “shitty” or how the animals and workers are treated in these factories, I could assure you that Mc Donald’s would not be the most visited place in the United States. The second thing that it shows about our culture (even though it isn’t really my culture, but I am growing up in it.) is that since the United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world, it shows what people can do to be even more powerful, or the lack of compassion that people have for others. Sincerely I don’t think that this way of living will change anytime soon, or maybe never because as time keeps passing by people’s heads get bigger and bigger with ignorance and less compassion towards others. I believe people should be informed of this crisis and try to inform others.
Body 6
In the movie Fast Food Nation one of the characters said “This isn’t good people vs. bad people is about the machine taking over the country” I think that the machine is not taking over the country, the machine is the country, there is no way u can possibly get out of it, because even if you think you do, u still live in it, u still breathe in it, and it will always be there. Even when people try to do drastic acts to prove a point or to change something they disagree in they are still going to be those people everyone hates, because they are against “the machine”, which is still being part of it.
In conclusion, I believe that IFS is the primary source of U.S nutrition and what most affects our lives. But I also believe that there has to be at least one thing good about it. It feeds us and keeps us living (to an extent), but it can also destroy us. As for the machine, it is always going to be there, either you agree with it or you don’t you are always going to be part of it. You can’t just plug something in the back of your head and disappear.
More about the Industrial Food System
What exactly is the industrial food system? Many people describe it as “The Machine” I think of it as part of the machine, for me the machine is the world we live in which is made up of different components that make it the way it is. One component is the Industrial food system (IFS). The IFS believe it or not affects every living thing on planet Earth, it controls what we eat, if our bodies get sick, or even if we live or die.
Body 1
The IFS is the system that distributes food all over the United States. They kill, make and distribute our food. The way it works is by hiring hundreds of illegal immigrants which get paid less than minimum wage with no insurance or any health help and make them work by killing cows and other animals we consume. The problem is not that they kill cows or chicken or even fish, the problem is the way they do it. According to the book Fast Food Nation, one in every four hamburgers contains cow shit. Most of the food made in these factories is distributed to fast food restaurants like Mc Donald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger king. The reason why there is cow shit in our hamburgers is because when the illegal immigrants come and work at these factories, they are not trained to kill the cow, so they don’t know where to cut what so they make mistakes. Which makes the cow shit get into the meat.
Body 2
The IFS is the primary source of U.S nutrition, because since they distribute their products to one of the most important and known fast food chains in the world, people eat it all the time. Also, eating fast food or eating in fast food restaurants is a part of most American’s lives. There are various problems with the IFS, besides the fact that the meat is “shitty” because the speed of the workers line is too fast and the pay is too little, they also inject hormones to the animals and treat them very badly as well. Even though I do eat meat I think that the animals deserve a better life and shouldn’t be tortured.
Body 3
On the contraire, I believe that there is a part of the IFS that is more “normal”. Since people in the United States do eat meat, u can’t force them to never eat meat again so these animals won’t be tortured. There are also farms and factories where animals are “free range” and are allowed to have a happy life, they aren’t tortured or injected with hormones, but since there is something called the food chain people have to eat meat too (if they choose to) and the only way to eat it is killing cows, fish and chicken. I feel like we are exactly like animals just a little more sophisticated, because we don’t attack our prey by jumping on them and biting the raw meat with our bare mouths. It is part of life, but if the animals and workers are treated like they are treated in the movies that we saw in class, then that does make us savages. Instead of trying to increase the rate at which the people are working in this factories, they should decrease it and also increase the quality of the meat, maybe that way fast food chains will not buy meat and run out of business which is actually a big advantage for every one.
Body 4
Sometimes, people are aware that the food that they are eating is probably not the best for them, but it also has to do with how good of a meat can they afford? I think that in some cases the richer you are the better your health is which is a very big minus since more than half of the population is not rich and for some it is very hard to buy organic or free range food that is much healthier for you than a BIG MAC or 99 cents for four chicken Mcnuggets. Sometimes you can’t just ban the IFS from making shitty hamburgers for a good price unless you have a plan with what you will replace these shitty cheap hamburgers with that will be economic for the middle to lower class customers.
Body 5
This system tells us a lot about our culture, the number one thing that it tells us is that we are ignorant about the things that happen around us, because if more people knew that our hamburgers were “shitty” or how the animals and workers are treated in these factories, I could assure you that Mc Donald’s would not be the most visited place in the United States. The second thing that it shows about our culture (even though it isn’t really my culture, but I am growing up in it.) is that since the United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world, it shows what people can do to be even more powerful, or the lack of compassion that people have for others. Sincerely I don’t think that this way of living will change anytime soon, or maybe never because as time keeps passing by people’s heads get bigger and bigger with ignorance and less compassion towards others. I believe people should be informed of this crisis and try to inform others.
Body 6
In the movie Fast Food Nation one of the characters said “This isn’t good people vs. bad people is about the machine taking over the country” I think that the machine is not taking over the country, the machine is the country, there is no way u can possibly get out of it, because even if you think you do, u still live in it, u still breathe in it, and it will always be there. Even when people try to do drastic acts to prove a point or to change something they disagree in they are still going to be those people everyone hates, because they are against “the machine”, which is still being part of it.
In conclusion, I believe that IFS is the primary source of U.S nutrition and what most affects our lives. But I also believe that there has to be at least one thing good about it. It feeds us and keeps us living (to an extent), but it can also destroy us. As for the machine, it is always going to be there, either you agree with it or you don’t you are always going to be part of it. You can’t just plug something in the back of your head and disappear.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
More about the Industrial Food System
More about the Industrial Food System
What exactly is the industrial food system? Many people describe it as “The Machine” I think of it as part of the machine, for me the machine is the world we live in which is made up of different components that make it the way it is. One component is the Industrial food system (IFS). The IFS believe it or not affects every living thing on planet Earth, it controls what we eat, if our bodies get sick, or even if we live or die.
Body 1
The IFS is the system that distributes food all over the United States. They kill, make and distribute our food. The way it works is by hiring hundreds of illegal immigrants which get paid less than minimum wage with no insurance or any health help and make them work by killing cows and other animals we consume. The problem is not that they kill cows or chicken or even fish, the problem is the way they do it. According to the book Fast Food Nation, one in every four hamburgers contains cow shit. Most of the food made in these factories is distributed to fast food restaurants like Mc Donald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger king. The reason why there is cow shit in our hamburgers is because when the illegal immigrants come and work at these factories, they are not trained to kill the cow, so they don’t know where to cut what so they make mistakes. Which makes the cow shit get into the meat.
Body 2
The IFS is the primary source of U.S nutrition, because since they distribute their products to one of the most important and known fast food chains in the world, people eat it all the time. Also, eating fast food or eating in fast food restaurants is a part of most American’s lives. There are various problems with the IFS, besides the fact that the meat is “shitty” because the speed of the workers line is too fast and the pay is too little, they also inject hormones to the animals and treat them very badly as well. Even though I do eat meat I think that the animals deserve a better life and shouldn’t be tortured.
Body 3
On the contraire, I believe that there is a part of the IFS that is more “normal”. Since people in the United States do eat meat, u can’t force them to never eat meat again so these animals won’t be tortured. There are also farms and factories where animals are “free range” and are allowed to have a happy life, they aren’t tortured or injected with hormones, but since there is something called the food chain people have to eat meat too (if they choose to) and the only way to eat it is killing cows, fish and chicken. I feel like we are exactly like animals just a little more sophisticated, because we don’t attack our prey by jumping on them and biting the raw meat with our bare mouths. It is part of life, but if the animals and workers are treated like they are treated in the movies that we saw in class, then that does make us savages.
Body 4
This system tells us a lot about our culture, the number one thing that it tells us is that we are ignorant about the things that happen around us, because if more people knew that our hamburgers were “shitty” or how the animals and workers are treated in these factories, I could assure you that Mc Donald’s would not be the most visited place in the United States. The second thing that it shows about our culture (even though it isn’t really my culture, but I am growing up in it.) is that since the United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world, it shows what people can do to be even more powerful, or the lack of compassion that people have for others. Sincerely I don’t think that this way of living will change anytime soon, or maybe never because as time keeps passing by people’s heads get bigger and bigger with ignorance and less compassion towards others. I believe people should be informed of this crisis and try to inform others.
Body 5
In the movie Fast Food Nation one of the characters said “This isn’t good people vs. bad people is about the machine taking over the country” I think that the machine is not taking over the country, the machine is the country, there is no way u can possibly get out of it, because even if you think you do, u still live in it, u still breathe in it, and it will always be there. Even when people try to do drastic acts to prove a point or to change something they disagree in they are still going to be those people everyone hates, because they are against “the machine”, which is still being part of it.
In conclusion, I believe that IFS is the primary source of U.S nutrition and what most affects our lives. But I also believe that there has to be at least one thing good about it. It feeds us and keeps us living (to an extent), but it can also destroy us. As for the machine, it is always going to be there, either you agree with it or you don’t you are always going to be part of it. You can’t just plug something in the back of your head and disappear.
What exactly is the industrial food system? Many people describe it as “The Machine” I think of it as part of the machine, for me the machine is the world we live in which is made up of different components that make it the way it is. One component is the Industrial food system (IFS). The IFS believe it or not affects every living thing on planet Earth, it controls what we eat, if our bodies get sick, or even if we live or die.
Body 1
The IFS is the system that distributes food all over the United States. They kill, make and distribute our food. The way it works is by hiring hundreds of illegal immigrants which get paid less than minimum wage with no insurance or any health help and make them work by killing cows and other animals we consume. The problem is not that they kill cows or chicken or even fish, the problem is the way they do it. According to the book Fast Food Nation, one in every four hamburgers contains cow shit. Most of the food made in these factories is distributed to fast food restaurants like Mc Donald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger king. The reason why there is cow shit in our hamburgers is because when the illegal immigrants come and work at these factories, they are not trained to kill the cow, so they don’t know where to cut what so they make mistakes. Which makes the cow shit get into the meat.
Body 2
The IFS is the primary source of U.S nutrition, because since they distribute their products to one of the most important and known fast food chains in the world, people eat it all the time. Also, eating fast food or eating in fast food restaurants is a part of most American’s lives. There are various problems with the IFS, besides the fact that the meat is “shitty” because the speed of the workers line is too fast and the pay is too little, they also inject hormones to the animals and treat them very badly as well. Even though I do eat meat I think that the animals deserve a better life and shouldn’t be tortured.
Body 3
On the contraire, I believe that there is a part of the IFS that is more “normal”. Since people in the United States do eat meat, u can’t force them to never eat meat again so these animals won’t be tortured. There are also farms and factories where animals are “free range” and are allowed to have a happy life, they aren’t tortured or injected with hormones, but since there is something called the food chain people have to eat meat too (if they choose to) and the only way to eat it is killing cows, fish and chicken. I feel like we are exactly like animals just a little more sophisticated, because we don’t attack our prey by jumping on them and biting the raw meat with our bare mouths. It is part of life, but if the animals and workers are treated like they are treated in the movies that we saw in class, then that does make us savages.
Body 4
This system tells us a lot about our culture, the number one thing that it tells us is that we are ignorant about the things that happen around us, because if more people knew that our hamburgers were “shitty” or how the animals and workers are treated in these factories, I could assure you that Mc Donald’s would not be the most visited place in the United States. The second thing that it shows about our culture (even though it isn’t really my culture, but I am growing up in it.) is that since the United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world, it shows what people can do to be even more powerful, or the lack of compassion that people have for others. Sincerely I don’t think that this way of living will change anytime soon, or maybe never because as time keeps passing by people’s heads get bigger and bigger with ignorance and less compassion towards others. I believe people should be informed of this crisis and try to inform others.
Body 5
In the movie Fast Food Nation one of the characters said “This isn’t good people vs. bad people is about the machine taking over the country” I think that the machine is not taking over the country, the machine is the country, there is no way u can possibly get out of it, because even if you think you do, u still live in it, u still breathe in it, and it will always be there. Even when people try to do drastic acts to prove a point or to change something they disagree in they are still going to be those people everyone hates, because they are against “the machine”, which is still being part of it.
In conclusion, I believe that IFS is the primary source of U.S nutrition and what most affects our lives. But I also believe that there has to be at least one thing good about it. It feeds us and keeps us living (to an extent), but it can also destroy us. As for the machine, it is always going to be there, either you agree with it or you don’t you are always going to be part of it. You can’t just plug something in the back of your head and disappear.
Friday, March 2, 2007
comment on elliots page
hey elliot, chiko i read your paper and i think that it is very well organized, and you cite various sources that give many examples. The only thing you need to improve on is check for some spelling errors, and i think that you should argue stronger anout why is your diet better than the vegetarian diet.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Essay -- food
Isabella Soteldo
What is the healthiest way to eat?
A lot of people especially in the United States always ask themselves many questions about the way they should eat and the things they eat. What am I eating?, How many calories does this have?, what am I suppose to be eating?. The only question they should be asking is what the healthiest way to eat. Meaning what is best for your body. For me the healthiest way a person can eat is not worrying about the food they eat as much as worrying about how they eat it. I feel like the French way of eating is the best way, because they follow a movement called The Slow Food Movement.
Body 1
The Slow Food Movement was founded by Carlo Petrini in 1986. Its purpose, is to inform people, specially in the United States that they should take things slower, try new things, and eat slowly and healthy. (Recognizing that the enjoyment of wholesome food is essential to the pursuit of happiness, Slow Food USA is an educational organization dedicated to stewardship of the land and ecologically sound food production; to the revival of the kitchen and the table as centers of pleasure, culture, and community; to the invigoration and proliferation of regional, seasonal culinary traditions; to the creation of a collaborative, ecologically-oriented, and virtuous globalization; and to living a slower and more harmonious rhythm of life) (
In the United States, especially in New York City everyone is always in a hurry to do things, and as the phrase goes “Time is Money” that is how most New Yorkers live and have no time to sit down and enjoy a meal with their loved ones, or even by themselves sitting down. In comparison to the way the French people eat, this is unhealthy and for French people who follow the concept of the Slow Food Movement enjoying a meal is not only healthy for your body, but for your mind as well, and not following this is just unacceptable and very unhealthy.
Body 2
Recently there has been a lot of propaganda In the media suggesting that Americans should follow the lead of the Europeans and slow down, especially their eating habits. Unlike the French who enjoy and savor their foods, Americans are deemed to rush through eating and often rely on fatty fast foods to refuel their energy. It has been stated that this way of life results in obesity, which has seen an increase in children.
The French are very familiar with this the Slow Food Movement mentioned earlier movement, because eating slow and spending time with the family is their way of life. Patient eating is essential to the French culture. They take the time to enjoy their food and the conversation that goes along with a meal. They do not know any other way.
Wouldn’t it be nice to relax in bed for a few extra minutes in the morning? To linger over coffee after lunch? To enjoy a relaxed dinner, then amble around the neighborhood? But who has time? With work and family demands, most Americans feel that they barely have a second to slow down, let a lone come to a full stop. Maybe now is the moment to put on the brakes. More and more, researches and psychologists, backed by a growing body of evidence, declare that an accelerating pace in society is hurting our health. In fact, it may be taking years off our lives. “We pay an enormous price in both health and happiness for living in a sped-up world,” says psychiatrist Jeffrey Brantley, director of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program at Duke Center for Integrative Medicine, in Durham, North Carolina. “Finding time to think, daydream, or simply watch the world go by, the experts say, is important for a healthy mind and body” (Real Simple magazine. Jaret, Peter. Pg. 286 18 April 2006). This is already the way the French live.
In conclusion, the way the French eat is much healthier than the American way, not only for the body, but also for the mind. It should be the way Americans eat, and they should enjoy and savor every moment of their meal, they should also follow The Slow Food Movement.
What is the healthiest way to eat?
A lot of people especially in the United States always ask themselves many questions about the way they should eat and the things they eat. What am I eating?, How many calories does this have?, what am I suppose to be eating?. The only question they should be asking is what the healthiest way to eat. Meaning what is best for your body. For me the healthiest way a person can eat is not worrying about the food they eat as much as worrying about how they eat it. I feel like the French way of eating is the best way, because they follow a movement called The Slow Food Movement.
Body 1
The Slow Food Movement was founded by Carlo Petrini in 1986. Its purpose, is to inform people, specially in the United States that they should take things slower, try new things, and eat slowly and healthy. (Recognizing that the enjoyment of wholesome food is essential to the pursuit of happiness, Slow Food USA is an educational organization dedicated to stewardship of the land and ecologically sound food production; to the revival of the kitchen and the table as centers of pleasure, culture, and community; to the invigoration and proliferation of regional, seasonal culinary traditions; to the creation of a collaborative, ecologically-oriented, and virtuous globalization; and to living a slower and more harmonious rhythm of life) (
In the United States, especially in New York City everyone is always in a hurry to do things, and as the phrase goes “Time is Money” that is how most New Yorkers live and have no time to sit down and enjoy a meal with their loved ones, or even by themselves sitting down. In comparison to the way the French people eat, this is unhealthy and for French people who follow the concept of the Slow Food Movement enjoying a meal is not only healthy for your body, but for your mind as well, and not following this is just unacceptable and very unhealthy.
Body 2
Recently there has been a lot of propaganda In the media suggesting that Americans should follow the lead of the Europeans and slow down, especially their eating habits. Unlike the French who enjoy and savor their foods, Americans are deemed to rush through eating and often rely on fatty fast foods to refuel their energy. It has been stated that this way of life results in obesity, which has seen an increase in children.
The French are very familiar with this the Slow Food Movement mentioned earlier movement, because eating slow and spending time with the family is their way of life. Patient eating is essential to the French culture. They take the time to enjoy their food and the conversation that goes along with a meal. They do not know any other way.
Wouldn’t it be nice to relax in bed for a few extra minutes in the morning? To linger over coffee after lunch? To enjoy a relaxed dinner, then amble around the neighborhood? But who has time? With work and family demands, most Americans feel that they barely have a second to slow down, let a lone come to a full stop. Maybe now is the moment to put on the brakes. More and more, researches and psychologists, backed by a growing body of evidence, declare that an accelerating pace in society is hurting our health. In fact, it may be taking years off our lives. “We pay an enormous price in both health and happiness for living in a sped-up world,” says psychiatrist Jeffrey Brantley, director of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program at Duke Center for Integrative Medicine, in Durham, North Carolina. “Finding time to think, daydream, or simply watch the world go by, the experts say, is important for a healthy mind and body” (Real Simple magazine. Jaret, Peter. Pg. 286 18 April 2006). This is already the way the French live.
In conclusion, the way the French eat is much healthier than the American way, not only for the body, but also for the mind. It should be the way Americans eat, and they should enjoy and savor every moment of their meal, they should also follow The Slow Food Movement.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Questions from class
B.What foods seem healthiest to you?
-things that come from milk(eg. yogurt, cheese,butter,)
-Orange juice
-Natural juices
-Meats (with no hormones)
3 Day Menu
Day 1- Breakfast- 1 egg, Toast, Sausage.
Lunch- Meat and salad(lettuce, carrots)
Dinner- Soup- (chicken, lentil)
Day 2- Breakfast- Arepa with avocado and chicken
Lunch- Chicken (no hormones) with rice, beans and platanos.
Dinner- Honey and Oats bar with apple juice.
Day3 - Breakfast-Toast, eggs, bacon
Lunch- Meat and salad
Dinner- chicken sandwich
What should people eat?
- Healthy food, but also some fats that are necessary for the body, such as cheese and milk.
Also if you are going to eat some junk food you should pick low- calorie snacks such as soy chips or fat free chocolates and sweets
-things that come from milk(eg. yogurt, cheese,butter,)
-Orange juice
-Natural juices
-Meats (with no hormones)
3 Day Menu
Day 1- Breakfast- 1 egg, Toast, Sausage.
Lunch- Meat and salad(lettuce, carrots)
Dinner- Soup- (chicken, lentil)
Day 2- Breakfast- Arepa with avocado and chicken
Lunch- Chicken (no hormones) with rice, beans and platanos.
Dinner- Honey and Oats bar with apple juice.
Day3 - Breakfast-Toast, eggs, bacon
Lunch- Meat and salad
Dinner- chicken sandwich
What should people eat?
- Healthy food, but also some fats that are necessary for the body, such as cheese and milk.
Also if you are going to eat some junk food you should pick low- calorie snacks such as soy chips or fat free chocolates and sweets
Farmer's market experience
Project introduction to locally Sharp Alpine cheese available
What is it?
-Sharp Alpine cheese is swiss mountain chesse. It is made in summer grass mountains. They come from Hawthorne valley farm.
Who sells it here?
-Matt, but the person who grow's name is Abe. Matt likes his job, because he works 2 days a week, and he likes being outside.
Basics of hoe they grow it?
-they take milk from cows, which is organic, and they have 15 different fields to run around, because the farm is 300 acres. They also run around with cows and pigs. They separate the milk and store it, then they add renate which is like yeast for bread and store it for about a year.
High quality wb links
What is it?
-Sharp Alpine cheese is swiss mountain chesse. It is made in summer grass mountains. They come from Hawthorne valley farm.
Who sells it here?
-Matt, but the person who grow's name is Abe. Matt likes his job, because he works 2 days a week, and he likes being outside.
Basics of hoe they grow it?
-they take milk from cows, which is organic, and they have 15 different fields to run around, because the farm is 300 acres. They also run around with cows and pigs. They separate the milk and store it, then they add renate which is like yeast for bread and store it for about a year.
High quality wb links
What's in your fridge?
What is in my fridge?
-milk-eggs-hummus-lemonade-left over ribs-white, yellow cheese-lettuce-tomato-bread-spicy sauce-italian salad dressing-mustard-ketchup-water.
What is in your freezer?
-milk-eggs-hummus-lemonade-left over ribs-white, yellow cheese-lettuce-tomato-bread-spicy sauce-italian salad dressing-mustard-ketchup-water.
What is in your freezer?
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